If you have found your way to this page, then you must truly have it in your heart to help us achieve our mission to change global energy consumption habits.It is a costly exercise to set up, maintain and grow this site.
If you find our website useful, please consider helping us with its production and upkeep costs via a donation.
To say 'thank you' for your generosity, we will give you 7 special reports that you will not find anywhere else on our site!
Six of the reports relate to biogas/biodiesel (one of which is actually five reports in one), and the seventh is an in depth global survey of alternative energy sources.
We could sell the reports for around $27 each ( a total of $189), however we wanted to "give something back" to those who support us!
As we have not yet added any content on biomass to our site, you will be receiving exclusive information - our way of saying thanks!
Most donations have been between $10-$100. Please ONLY donate what you can afford to - the $1-$10 donations all help too!
Please click the "donate" button below to help us out - and thank you for your generosity...
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